It has been more than 2 months since I've done my previous post. It was a challenging period since I had to come to a conclusion about my final year project proposal. Finally I was able to end up with a good one. Time to come, is gona be very challenging and exciting. Even if I wish to publish some interesting stuff about voice recognition. Keep In touch.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
It has been more than 2 months since I've done my previous post. It was a challenging period since I had to come to a conclusion about my final year project proposal. Finally I was able to end up with a good one. Time to come, is gona be very challenging and exciting. Even if I wish to publish some interesting stuff about voice recognition. Keep In touch.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Chief Seattle's Speech

Though this is very popular, I publish it in ma blog as tribute to this GREAT
"The President in Washington sends word that he wishes to buy our land. But how can you buy or sell the sky? the land? The idea is strange to us. If we do not own the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the water, how can you buy them?
Every part of the earth is sacred to my people. Every shining pine needle, every sandy shore, every mist in the dark woods, every meadow, every humming insect. All are holy in the memory and experience of my people.
We know the sap which courses through the trees as we know the blood that courses through our veins. We are part of the earth and it is part of us. The perfumed flowers are our sisters. The bear, the deer, the great eagle, these are our brothers. The rocky crests, the dew in the meadow, the body heat of the pony, and man all belong to the same family.
The shining water that moves in the streams and rivers is not just water, but the blood of our ancestors. If we sell you our land, you must remember that it is sacred. Each glossy reflection in the clear waters of the lakes tells of events and memories in the life of my people. The water's murmur is the voice of my father's father.
The rivers are our brothers. They quench our thirst. They carry our canoes and feed our children. So you must give the rivers the kindness that you would give any brother.
If we sell you our land, remember that the air is precious to us, that the air shares its spirit with all the life that it supports. The wind that gave our grandfather his first breath also received his last sigh. The wind also gives our children the spirit of life. So if we sell our land, you must keep it apart and sacred, as a place where man can go to taste the wind that is sweetened by the meadow flowers.
Will you teach your children what we have taught our children? That the earth is our mother? What befalls the earth befalls all the sons of the earth.
This we know: the earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.
One thing we know: our God is also your God. The earth is precious to him and to harm the earth is to heap contempt on its creator.
Your destiny is a mystery to us. What will happen when the buffalo are all slaughtered? The wild horses tamed? What will happen when the secret corners of the forest are heavy with the scent of many men and the view of the ripe hills is blotted with talking wires? Where will the thicket be? Gone! Where will the eagle be? Gone! And what is to say goodbye to the swift pony and then hunt? The end of living and the beginning of survival.
When the last red man has vanished with this wilderness, and his memory is only the shadow of a cloud moving across the prairie, will these shores and forests still be here? Will there be any of the spirit of my people left?
We love this earth as a newborn loves its mother's heartbeat. So, if we sell you our land, love it as we have loved it. Care for it, as we have cared for it. Hold in your mind the memory of the land as it is when you receive it. Preserve the land for all children, and love it, as God loves us.
As we are part of the land, you too are part of the land. This earth is precious to us. It is also precious to you.
One thing we know - there is only one God. No man, be he Red man or White man, can be apart. We ARE all brothers after all."
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Farewell sabre !!!
I have been working with sabre Technologies (pvt) ltd, for nearly 12 months as an intern. It comes to an end by end of this july. It was a very challenging and interesting period .I was able to know, what exactly a software engineer means. Though we learnt bulk of theories @ the university, we don’t need/use everything in a working environment. Working experience gave me a sound knowledge, about how those theories are applied in the industry. Gained experienced in asp.NET web development, sql server 2005. Here we have excellent team spirit @ sabre, everybody is very helpful and friendly.It's great to work in such an environment. I Say a
BIG thank youto everybody!!!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
This was nominated by UN as the best poem of 2006, Written by an
African Kid.
Isn't it awesome???
African Kid.
When I grow up, I black
When I go in Sun, I black
When I scared, I black
When I sick, I black
And when I die, I still black
And you white fellow
When you born, you pink
When you grow up, you white
When you go in sun, you red
When you cold, you blue
When you scared, you yellow
When you sick, you green
And when you die, you gray
And you calling me colored?
Isn't it awesome???
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
New Technologies to come soon !!!

Lately all the media services have been buzzing about new projects of the big boys (Microsoft, Google). The whole big fuss is about the sea of possibilities that those companies would like to offer to the internet society. How could this change the internet as we know it and especially the social services?
A wave comes crashing in …
First and probably the most exciting of the new projects is Google Wave. The whole concept was presented to larger public at the end of May 2009. This could seem as yet another social communication and collaboration tool.
How would this help to us? This will greatly speed up the process of sending and receiving emails, communicating with your friends and even sharing files. Secondly, the interface looks just very eye-pleasing. And most of all Google and its Gmail service are the most popular providers of such a service and those taking a step forward means this could change the way we communicate.
The second project is Microsoft’s Bing. It’s kind of a search engine, focused on intelligent results - simple and organized. Bing is useful to help you with your decisions. Grouping the results in logical and dynamic sections and giving you the most valuable data directly on one page. Microsoft’s Bing doesn’t and probably they do not want to outperform Google. Instead of delivering just a search engine they’ve decided to introduce the world to a new decision engine.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Google Search

I came across a very interesting article about google searching tips. Here are some interesting stuff about google. Hope this would increase your efficiency.
Tips To search:
To find Meanings: Type: define :
o Example: define: plantation
To find exact phases: Type :”< Phase you want to find out>”
o Note: Make sure you type them within double quotes.
o Example:”One small step for man”
To Find Link Pages: Type: link :< site name>
o Example: link:
To Find Math answers: Type: 5+8, 35%of 80, sqrt (4)
To Find Conversions: mph in speed of light, km in m
For multiple searching: Sri Lanka OR Colombo
To Find Similar Words:Type :~
Example: ~book
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Object Relational Mapping ???

Object-Relational mapping is a programming technique that links databases to object-oriented language concepts, creating a "virtual object database." The package that implements the Object relational Mapping is known as Object Relational Mapper or ORM. ORM can be used in an n-tier application. There are many ORM packages available in the market both for free and commercial usage. However, some programmers develop their own ORM packages for the same purpose. This article would provide brief explanation about object relational mapping.
What is object Relational Mapping?
Definition: Object relational mapping is a technique converting data between incompatible type systems in relational databases and object-oriented programming languages.
When we are developing an object oriented application that requires a relational database we will need to have persistence objects that are modeled against your database design and to know how to interact with different tables in the database. We can either create them manually or use an Object relation mapping tool. When an object relational mapping tool is connected to a database, it allows you to map persistence objects to database tables and views, specify single row transactional operations, queries and stored procedure calls as methods to these objects. It allows you to define one to one, one to many, many to many relationships based on database design. It generates fully working persistent object code.
Object relational mapping is used when we want to take the advantage of transparent persistence and use a relational database. Relational database may be required because:
The data already resides in one or more relational databases
The data is new, but there are technical or political reasons for using a relational database
ORM – Object Relational Map per is a package that maps the objects to the relational tables and Tables columns to the object attribute one to one.
Example: We have an Employee Table with some columns in it. The figure below shows a business object of type Employee. It is not mandatory to have the employee declaration as shown below.
The Code written below is in C#. It typically explains a skeleton of business object.
Example code
Class Employee
public ID;
public Employee Name;
public Employee Salary;
The Employee class created needs to have a metadata that helps the ORM map to the table. There are many ORM packages available that deal with encapsulating the metadata with the class. We will look at the same in the next section.
Mapping terminology
• Mapping (v)-The act of determining how objects and their relationships are persisted in permanent data storage, in these case relational databases.
• Mapping (n)-The definition of how an object’s property or a relationship is persisted in permanent storage.
• property-A data attribute, either implemented as a physical attribute such as the string first Name or as a virtual attribute implemented via an operation such as get Total() which returns the total of an order
• Property mapping-A mapping that describes how to persist an object’s property.
• Relationship mapping-A mapping that describes how to persist a relationship (association, aggregation, or composition) between two or more objects.
Advantages of ORM
• ORM will reduce the programming code and through catching it will improve performance over using an embedded SQL or call-level interface with a relational database manager.
• A big advantage of mapping tools is that they provide an abstraction of the underlying database engine. Most of them allow switching easily between RDBMSs (Relational Database Management Systems).
• Automatic generation of SQL statements – The ORM layer generates automatically SQL statements. This helps the programmers concentrate more on the actual business logic removing the overhead of the SQL statements.
• Support of the Multiple Databases – Majority of the ORM packages available in the market support ANSI SQL standards. Hence, they can be used with most of the RDBMS. This can very useful in product development.
• ORM emphasizes on fully following the object oriented approach. Everything is an object. Database CRUD operations are typically called as a function. We will have functions on the business objects like Save, Update and Delete
Disadvantages of ORM
• Lack of standards – We have variety of ORM packages available in the market. We do not have common standard or conventions followed. Lack of such standard has made the programmers job tough. An ORM package may be completely different from another one.
• Performance related issues - Most of ORM related packages use reflection. As we know, using Reflection excessively is a performance overhead.
Compare toolsFeatures that a good ORM tool would provide
• Be able to use inheritance, create hierarchies between entities, and use polymorphism (we are using objects!). The tools can support a variety of combinations for tables and classes to allow these mechanisms.
• Handle any type of relations (1-1, 1-n, n-n)
• Support for transactions
• Aggregates (equivalent to SQL's SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX, COUNT)
• Support for grouping (SQL's GROUP BY)
• Static and dynamic queries
• Stored procedure calls
• Object catching
• Customization of generated code
• Template customization
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