Tuesday, June 9, 2009

This article is based on object oriented concepts. I personally believe that this would provide you correct information pool and a better explanation about OO concepts.

Object Orientation??

Object orientation sees, real world things as objects. For example teacher, insurance policy etc. In real world we simplify objects in our thinking and work with models .Its exactly similar to what are doing in software industry. We can simply say that teacher owns a bicycle and reads a book. Let’s try to explain it using OO concepts:

Abstraction –Abstraction and generalization are often used together. Abstraction simply means presentation of an object to external world simply .In other words, ability to hide irrelevant data from the use of names to reference objects. The idea behind is to manage complexity in large programmes. Abstraction can be categorized into two ways.


Procedural Abstraction Data Abstraction

Procedural Abstraction; Procedure abstraction is to decompose problem to many simple sub-works as much as possible

Data Abstraction; Data abstraction is to collect essential elements composing to a compound data.

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